Oh, the drama that unfolds when Janet and Crissy, played by the stunning Daisy Stone and Alana Cruise, invite a new roommate into their home! But here's the catch: Jack, portrayed by the charming Tyler Nixon, is a guy, and their old-fashioned landlord just won't have it. What's a duo of clever ladies to do? Put on a show, of course! Picture this: Janet and Crissy, in the privacy of their bedroom, hatching a plan so brilliant, it's bound to keep their living arrangement intact. Their solution? Jack must act gay! But who will coach him? Both ladies are eager to take the lead, but ultimately, they team up to explain the act to Jack. Little does he know, the real performance is yet to come. Fast forward, and Crissy takes it upon herself to give Jack a private lesson in his room. But oh, the surprise that awaits her! Jack, caught in the act, can't help but be distracted by Crissy's assets. And just like that, the tables turn, and the coaching session becomes a steamy encounter. Next thing you know, Crissy's indulging in Jack's impressive prowess, leading to a passionate tryst that ends in a grand finale of Jack's making. But wait, there's more! Janet, not to be outdone, makes her entrance, dressed to impress. Jack assumes she's off to a hot date, but oh no, Janet's got something much more intimate in mind. Dinner for two turns into a sizzling rendezvous, with Janet giving Jack a taste of her own tantalizing skills. One thing leads to another, and Jack finds himself in the midst of a mind-blowing performance, culminating in a creamy surprise for Janet. Can you imagine the thrill, the excitement, the sheer anticipation of what comes next? This isn't just a threesome; it's a masterclass in pretense and pleasure, a symphony of desire and deception. With each scene, the stakes rise, the passion intensifies, and the performances become increasingly breathtaking. So, grab your front-row seat and get ready to be captivated by this tantalizing tale of roommates and ruse. With Daisy Stone, Alana Cruise, and Tyler Nixon bringing their A-game, this is one episode of "Threesome Company Lets Play Pretend" you won't want to miss! Who knows what other surprises are in store? There's only one way to find out!